Program 2

Techniques for carbon reduction and sequestration

Program 2 is dedicated to pioneering carbon reduction and sequestration techniques within the infrastructure sector. This program focuses on three critical projects designed in collaboration with industry partners: developing safety factors for low-carbon materials to facilitate their integration into construction standards; investigating advanced construction processes to reduce embodied carbon through the use of automation, AR/VR, and IoT; and exploring innovative carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) methods to convert CO2 into valuable products.

These efforts aim to address the urgent demand for sustainable construction practices, ensuring the infrastructure industry can meet carbon neutrality goals through practical, technology-driven solutions. Each project contributes to enhancing the resilience of structures, optimising construction efficiency, and advancing CCUS techniques, marking significant steps towards a sustainable and carbon-neutral future.

Sujeeva Setunge

Program Lead:

Professor Sejeeva Setunge
Kevin Zhang


Professor Kevin Zhang

Project 1

Project lead: Prof Sujeeva Setunge (RMIT University)
Quantifying carbon sequestration in infrastructure systems

Project 2

Project lead: Prof Kate Nguyen (RMIT University)

Advancing green construction by utilising agricultural waste

Project 3

Project lead: Prof Kevin Zhang (RMIT University)
CarbonSmart: A Framework and Model for Sustainable Technology-Driven Construction