Program 1

Metrics for carbon emissions of each stage of infrastructure

Our pioneering Program 1 lays the foundation for achieving carbon-neutral infrastructure across its lifecycle. This program focuses on developing essential capabilities to accurately measure carbon emissions at every stage of infrastructure development, from design through to end-of-life. Utilising advanced methodologies such as stochastic modelling and life cycle assessment (ISO 14040/14044), we aim to quantify embodied and operational carbon emissions. This involves a detailed analysis of material use, transport, construction activities, and operational maintenance, supported by a comprehensive carbon emission inventory database. Our collaborative effort spans three core projects that include creating a database, developing stochastic models for emission tracking, and establishing a carbon neutrality index. This initiative is critical for equipping professionals with the knowledge needed for designing and managing carbon-neutral infrastructure projects, ensuring a sustainable future for our built environment.


Photo Mark Stewart

Program Lead:

Distinguished Professor Mark Stewart
Jianfeng Xue


Associate Professor Jianfeng Xue

Project 1

Establishing carbon emission inventory database for different stages of infrastructure lifecycle​

Project 2

Developing stochastic models for carbon emissions in different stages of infrastructure lifecycle​

Project 3

Developing methods to determine carbon neutrality index with carbon emissions modelled as different stochastic processes​