Hao Zhang
Asso Professor Hao Zhang
The University of Sydney

Email: [email protected] 


Dr Hao Zhang is an Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney. He obtained his BE and ME degrees in 1998 and 2001, respectively, from Tsinghua University. At Georgia Institute of Technology, he completed his PhD degree in Structural Engineering in 2005. He has served on the faculty of the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney since 2008. His primary research interests lie in structural reliability theory, probability-based structural design, risk assessment and resilience of infrastructure systems, and advanced analysis and design of metal structures. He is one of the driving forces behind the development of system reliability-based criteria for designing steel structures by advanced structural analysis. His research findings in the system-based direct design method have been incorporated in national design codes and standards, including AS/NSZ4600 Cold-formed Steel Structures, AS4084 Steel Storage Racking, and the latest revision of AS3610.2 Formwork for Concrete. He has been consistently included in the Stanford’s list of World Top 2% Scientists, both for single year and career-long impact.

He is one of the twelve members of Board of Directors Committee of CERRA (International Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association), one of the largest scholarly societies in the field of structural reliability. He is in the editorial boards of several international journals, including Structural Safety, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, ASME-ASCE Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems (Part A: Civil Engineering, and Part B: Mechanical Engineering).