Professor Flora Salim
University of New South Wales
Email: [email protected]
Program 4 Leader
Flora Salim is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), the inaugural Cisco Chair of Digital Transport & AI, University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, and the Deputy Director (Engagement) of UNSW AI Institute. Her research is on machine learning for time-series and multimodal sensor data and on trustworthy AI.
She has worked with many industry and government partners, and managed large-scale research and innovation projects, leading to several patents and deployed systems. She has attracted more than $20m in research and industry funding in the last 10 years, as lead or sole CI for more than half of these grants, including research funded by the ARC, Microsoft Research US, Northrop Grumman Corporation US, Qatar National Priorities Research Program, Cisco Research, IBM Research, NSW government, VIC government, several city councils and many other industry and government partners/funders. Prof Salim is a Chief Investigator on the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making and Society (ADM+S), co-leading the Machines Program and the Mobilities Focus Area.
Her research leadership and impact have led to translatable research outcomes evidenced by deployed analytics and patents/co-invention with industry partners. Prof Salim’s recent AI achievements were awarded in the 2022 Women in AI Awards Australia New Zealand in the Defence and Intelligence category. She has received several prestigious fellowships including Humboldt-Bayer Fellowship, Humboldt Fellowship, Victoria Fellowship, and ARC Australian Postdoctoral (Industry) Fellowship.
She is a member of the Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts. She has served as a Senior Area Chair / Area Chair of AAAI, WWW, NeurIPS, and many other top-tier conferences in AI and ubiquitous computing. She is an Editor of IMWUT, Associate-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Pervasive Computing, Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, a Steering Committee member of ACM UbiComp, and an Associate of ELLIS Alicante.